collaboration software for business

Today, working remotely isn’t just a trend, it’s a core part of how businesses, big and small, operate. The shift from office to home (or a mix of both) has been rapid and game-changing, and has reshaped our view on teamwork and project management. In this post, we dive into the benefits of online collaboration and explore the tools that help you do it well.

The Shift to Online Collaboration

The shift to online collaboration has its challenges, but the opportunities are even greater. It’s a chance to take a fresh look at how we get things done and work together.

A standout in this shift? The focus on software to make work smoother.

In this handy guide, we dive into the online collaboration world, how it can benefit your team, and the digital tools that make it easier.

Online Collaboration… In a Nutshell.

Online collaboration breaks away from the need to be in the physical office space. It relies on a variety of methods and handy tools that enable teams to work together over the internet, no matter where they are in the world.

This way of working helps people from various places, time zones, and cultures work together towards common goals. Online collaboration is more than just talking to each other – it’s about bringing together a mix of different ideas and points of view to create something better than anyone could create alone.

Online collaboration is just one piece of the puzzle. From project collaboration to stakeholder management: Get to grips with the broader topic of business collaboration.

The Benefits of Online Collaboration.

Online collaboration provides a host of benefits that massively reshape the professional landscape, such as:

  1. Enhanced Productivity

Online collaboration simplifies how teams work and communicate. With the right digital tools to share information and manage projects effectively, everyone works more productively. Online collaboration software cuts down the time spent organizing tasks and looking for information. Instead, your team can focus on important work which requires their specific knowledge and skills.

  1. Cost Efficiency

Online collaboration saves money. It reduces travel and office space needs, which consequently lowers costs linked to these areas. For example, video conferencing, collaborative mind mapping software, and instant messaging tools allow teams to collaborate without ever meeting in person. This not only cuts costs but also supports a greener, more eco-friendly way of working.

  1. Flexibility

Online collaboration tools have opened up new levels of flexibility in the workplace. They make it easy to work asynchronously across different time zones and schedules. As such, team members can schedule their time effectively and successfully balance private and professional responsibilities and priorities. This might mean picking up the kids from school, taking a walk to combat mental block, or going for a long lunch with a friend. The freedom this flexibility offers improves team members’ overall well-being and satisfaction.

  1. Access to a Wider Talent Pool

With online collaboration tools, your business isn’t limited by location in hiring. These tools let you find the best people for the job, no matter where they are. This access to diverse talents and experiences greatly improves the quality and effectiveness of output.

  1. Increased Creativity

Online collaboration brings together people from different cultures and professional backgrounds. This leads to more creative and effective solutions, thanks to the varied experiences and ideas of a diverse team.

How Can Digital Tools Support Online Collaboration?

There are many aspects of online collaboration that can be streamlined by software. Tools like cloud storage, instant messaging, and project management software have knocked down the old walls of distance and different time zones. Now, teams can easily talk, share stuff, and work together at the same time, no matter where they are in the world.

In 2021 – an astounding 80% of workers leveraged the power of online collaboration tools! This highlights a pretty significant shift in how businesses operate and the increasing use of these handy online assets.

Let’s get into some of the leading online tools that help streamline your workflows more effectively – discussing their strengths and ‘focus points.’

Tools for Project Management.

Task and project management tools improve accountability and clarity. With responsibilities and scope of work clearly documented in one central space, your team can execute tasks efficiently. In turn, this leads to swifter project completion and better project outcomes. Take a look at the tools listed below to find the right fit for your team.

MeisterTask: Making Complex Tasks Easier

Rating: 4.7/5 on Capterra

MeisterTask is a simple, secure, and intuitive project and task management tool that helps teams work and collaborate productively by:

  • Helping you organize tasks efficiently (no more “Oops, I forgot!” moments).
  • Providing an overview of progress in real-time (watch your projects grow!).
  • Enhancing team communication via comments, notifications, and Notes (so everyone’s always on the same page!).
  • Streamlining workflows via task relations, automations, and more (so you can spend more time on the work that matters).

Companies across industries including banking, manufacturing, and consulting use MeisterTask to manage their workflows. The result? A significant boost in project delivery speed and a substantial increase in client satisfaction rates.

Trello: Perfect for Small Teams

Rating: 4.5/5 on Capterra

Trello is great for small teams that need a simple way to manage tasks. Trello’s simple design – and straightforward task management features – make it an excellent choice for teams that don’t require complex project management tools. Plus, its user-friendly interface allows for quick setup and easy understanding.

Asana: Get on Top of Complex Projects

Rating: 4.5/5 on Capterra

Asana has a vast amount of advanced features for collaboration, such as customized request forms and a Workflow Builder for detailed or company-specific processes. As such, Asana is best suited for teams with lots of people who are working on large-scale, complex projects.

Tools for Creative Thinking

From mind mapping software to collaborative whiteboards, tools for creative thinking can improve the quality and quantity of ideas your team generates. Take a look at the shortlist below to see which ticks your team’s boxes – or use it as a jumping-off point for further research.

MindMeister: Boosting Creativity in Teams

Rating: 4.7/5 on Capterra

MindMeister is a collaborative mind mapping tool for visualizing and organizing ideas. It helps your team to:

  • Easily and effectively brainstorm from anywhere, whether you’re holding a planning session, a meeting, or a workshop.
  • Structure large amounts of information through color-coding, formatting, and visual connections.
  • Work more efficiently with ready-to-use templates.
  • Present your ideas in a matter of clicks – no need to copy information into clunky PowerPoint slides.

We develop topics collaboratively in MindMeister – it’s how we build solutions from ideas. Sebastian Kraft, Head of Organizational Development, Volksbank Raiffeisenbank Würzburg

With your ideas laid out in structured, scannable mind maps, you can easily identify the necessary next steps. Then, turn them into actionable tasks in MeisterTask!

Unlock Your Team’s Creativity. Start Mind Mapping Today. Try MindMeister for free

Miro: Exploring Ideas in New Ways.

Rating: 4.7/5 on Capterra

Miro is known for its whiteboard function, which is great for brainstorming without limits. Team members can work together on the same board, and everyone can add their ideas. Features like movable notes and a voting system for group decisions make choosing the best ideas easier.

For a deep dive into the best team collaboration tools out there, check out this comprehensive guide.

Get Set, Collaborate!

Online collaboration redefines teamwork by supporting flexibility and connecting diverse global teams. It’s crucial for enhancing your team’s productivity, fostering creativity, and meeting your goals – but you need the right tools to make it happen. So, if you’re ready to take it online, there’s no time like the present!

Stay Connected – Get Productive. Collaborate Seamlessly with MeisterTask. Try it for free


What is Online Collaboration, and Why is it Essential in Modern Workplaces?

Online collaboration refers to the use of digital tools and platforms to work together over the Internet. The best part? No geographical constraints – which means teams can work from anywhere alongside people from all around the world!

How Do Online Collaboration Tools Enhance Productivity?

Online collaboration tools streamline project management and communication. This reduces the time spent on organizing tasks and searching for information. Consequently, team members can work during their most productive hours.

Which Tools Are Best For Online Collaboration?

You can use a range of digital tools to support online collaboration, from instant messaging apps to mind mapping tools to project management software like MeisterTask. Combine a selection of tools optimized for a specific purpose to maximize your team’s productivity. Note that the exact tools you use will depend on your business needs, your team structure, and your team’s working style.

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