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Genesys, a global cloud leader in AI-powered experience orchestration, has named Virgin Atlantic as the winner of the Customer Experience (CX) Innovator award in the enterprise category during its 19th annual Customer Innovation Awards. This prestigious award recognizes organizations that are pushing the limits to deliver smarter and more cohesive customer and employee experiences (CX and EX) using the AI-powered Genesys Cloud Platform.

Virgin Atlantic’s Commitment to Innovation

Virgin Atlantic, Britain’s second-largest airline, has always been at the forefront of innovation in the aviation industry. The airline constantly strives to provide its customers with high-quality, affordable flights, nonstop transatlantic routes, and seamless connections to over 350 cities across North America, Europe, and the UK. To further its digital transformation journey and elevate its CX to new heights, Virgin Atlantic sought an all-in-one platform that would enable personalized, proactive engagement, offer a holistic view of the customer journey, and improve employee productivity.

The Role of Genesys Cloud in Virgin Atlantic’s CX Transformation

To achieve these goals, Virgin Atlantic turned to the Genesys Cloud platform and revolutionized its CX and EX. By harnessing the full potential of Genesys Cloud’s AI capabilities, the airline has achieved exceptional results that set it apart as an innovator in the field.

Improved Operational Efficiency

One of the key outcomes of Virgin Atlantic’s partnership with Genesys is improved operational efficiency. Through the use of Genesys Bot Flows and Predictive Routing, Virgin Atlantic has streamlined customer interactions, providing quick and accurate responses to popular topics and enabling its contact center to scale. As a result, 29% of customer queries are now addressed through self-service options without needing to speak with an agent. For calls that require agent support, Virgin Atlantic has witnessed a 15% reduction in handle times using Genesys Predictive Routing. This innovative feature matches customers with the most suitable agent to help them resolve their inquiries efficiently.

Increased First-Contact Resolution Rates

Thanks to Genesys Cloud’s AI-driven analytics, Virgin Atlantic has been able to resolve customer issues more quickly and effectively during their initial interactions. This has resulted in a six-percentage-point improvement in first-contact resolution rates and a 33-percentage-point improvement in call answer rates. By leveraging the power of AI, Virgin Atlantic ensures that its customers’ concerns are addressed promptly and satisfactorily, leading to a better overall experience.

Enhanced Employee Satisfaction

Virgin Atlantic also experienced a significant improvement in employee satisfaction after implementing Genesys Cloud. The airline saw a 14-percentage-point increase in its employee happiness scores, which can be attributed in part to the benefits of Predictive Routing. By connecting customers with the right agent for quicker resolutions, this feature not only enhances customer experiences but also improves employee engagement by allowing them to excel in their natural areas of expertise. The positive impact on employee morale has resulted in better service and a sense of pride in their work.

Virgin Atlantic’s CX Innovation Recognized

Virgin Atlantic’s commitment to orchestrating seamless customer journeys has resulted in remarkable outcomes for both its customers and employees. With the help of Genesys Cloud’s AI capabilities, the airline’s virtual assistant has become invaluable in providing personalized responses and freeing up the team to focus on more complex customer issues. This transformative approach to CX innovation has positioned Virgin Atlantic as a leader in the field.

The Customer Innovation Awards

The Customer Innovation Awards, hosted annually by Genesys, recognize organizations across all industries for their transformative use of AI, cloud, and digital technologies in improving customer and employee experiences.


Virgin Atlantic’s partnership with Genesys and its adoption of the Genesys Cloud platform have enabled the airline to seamlessly connect with its customers, provide personalized experiences, and enhance operational efficiency. By leveraging the power of AI, Virgin Atlantic has set a new standard for CX innovation in the aviation industry.

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