microsoft teams automation with copilot

Microsoft Teams Automation with Copilot is a powerful feature that allows users to automate tasks within the Microsoft Teams platform. With the help of Copilot, users can create automations using natural language, making it easier and more efficient to streamline processes and improve productivity. This article will provide an overview of the features and capabilities of Microsoft Teams Automation with Copilot, as well as its planned release timeline.


Microsoft Teams is a popular collaboration platform that allows users to communicate, collaborate, and automate tasks within their organization. With the introduction of Copilot, Teams users can now leverage the power of advanced AI and extensive connectivity to automate various processes and workflows.

Benefits of Microsoft Teams Automation with Copilot

There are several benefits to using Microsoft Teams Automation with Copilot. Some of the key advantages include:

  1. Streamlined processes: Copilot allows users to automate repetitive and time-consuming tasks, freeing up valuable time for more important work.

  2. Increased productivity: By automating tasks, users can complete them more quickly and efficiently, leading to increased productivity.

  3. Improved accuracy: Automating tasks reduces the risk of human error, ensuring that processes are carried out consistently and accurately.

  4. Enhanced collaboration: Copilot enables users to collaborate more effectively by automating workflows and sharing automated processes with team members.

Features of Microsoft Teams Automation with Copilot

Microsoft Teams Automation with Copilot offers a range of features and capabilities to help users automate tasks within the Teams platform. Some of the key features include:

Cloud flows

Cloud flows allow users to automate processes across a variety of systems. With Copilot, users can harness the power of advanced AI and extensive connectivity to quickly automate tasks and workflows.

Desktop flows

Desktop flows enable users to automate tasks on their Windows PC. With Copilot, users can create automations using natural language, making it easier to automate tasks and improve efficiency.

Process Mining

Process Mining is a feature that allows users to optimize operations and uncover opportunities for automation. With Copilot, users can turn insights into actions by automating processes based on data analysis.

Planned Release Timeline

The following table outlines the planned release timeline for Microsoft Teams Automation with Copilot:

| Feature | Enabled for | Public preview | Early access* | General availability |
| Use Copilot in Power Automate | Admins, makers, etc. | May 23, 2023 | – | Oct 14, 2023 |
| Use the new Power Automate designer | Admins, makers, etc. | – | – | Oct 8, 2023 |
| Turn insights into actions with Copilot in process mining | Admins, makers, etc. | Jul 18, 2023 | – | Dec 18, 2023 |

Please note that the release timeline is subject to change, and the projected functionality may not be released as planned. For the most up-to-date information, please refer to the Microsoft policy.


Microsoft Teams Automation with Copilot is an exciting feature that brings advanced AI and extensive connectivity to the Teams platform. By automating tasks and workflows, users can streamline processes, increase productivity, and improve collaboration. With a planned release timeline from October 2023 to March 2024, users can look forward to harnessing the power of Copilot in their Microsoft Teams workflows.

For more information about Microsoft Teams Automation with Copilot, please visit

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