Teams and Copilot deployment is a crucial process for Dynamics 365 customers who want to integrate and utilize the Sales Copilot app in their sales workflows. This guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to deploy Sales Copilot for your Dynamics 365 Sales customers. By following these instructions, you can ensure a smooth and successful deployment of Sales Copilot in your organization.


Before you begin the deployment process, there are a few prerequisites that you need to fulfill:

  1. Tenant Administrator: You must have tenant administrator privileges to install the integrated app from the Microsoft 365 admin center. If you’re not sure how to find your tenant admin, refer to the Microsoft 365 admin documentation for instructions.
  2. Teams Administrator: You must also have Teams administrator privileges to create a setup policy in the Teams admin center. If you’re not a Teams administrator, you’ll need to collaborate with one to complete the deployment process.

Step 1: Install and Deploy the Sales Copilot Outlook Add-in

The first step in the deployment process is to install and deploy the Sales Copilot Outlook Add-in. This add-in allows sellers to access Sales Copilot features directly within their Outlook interface. Follow these instructions to install the add-in:

  1. Visit the Microsoft 365 admin center and sign in with your tenant administrator account.
  2. Navigate to the Add-ins section and search for the Sales Copilot Add-in for Outlook.
  3. Click on the add-in and follow the on-screen instructions to install it for your Dynamics 365 Sales customers.

Step 2: Create a Policy to Install and Pin the Sales Copilot App in Teams

Once you have installed the Sales Copilot Outlook Add-in, the next step is to create a policy that automatically installs and pins the Sales Copilot app in Teams for your sellers. This ensures that they have easy access to Sales Copilot features within their personal Teams environment and the meetings they create. Follow these steps to create the policy:

  1. Access the Teams admin center and sign in with your Teams administrator account.
  2. Navigate to the Policies section and select the option to create a new setup policy.
  3. Configure the policy settings to automatically install and pin the Sales Copilot app for your sellers.

Step 3: Enable Teams Meeting Transcripts

To enable Sales Copilot to generate meeting summaries, you need to enable Teams meeting transcripts. This allows Sales Copilot to access the recorded Teams meetings and extract relevant information for the meeting summary. Follow these steps to enable transcripts:

  1. Sign in to the Teams admin center with your administrator account.
  2. In the left pane, select the Meetings option and then go to the Meeting policies tab.
  3. Select the Global (Org-wide default) policy and scroll down to the Recording & transcription section.
  4. Turn on the Transcription toggle and save the changes.

Step 4: Set up Server-Side Synchronization of Emails and Appointments

Sales Copilot allows sellers to save Outlook emails and appointments to Dynamics 365. To enable this feature, you need to set up server-side synchronization of emails and appointments. This ensures that all Outlook activities are synchronized with Dynamics 365. Follow these steps to set up server-side synchronization:

  1. Follow the Connect to Exchange Online guide to enable server-side synchronization for emails and appointments.
  2. Ensure that all Sales Copilot users have server-side synchronization enabled for their mailboxes.

Step 5: Confirm Users Have the Right Security Roles

To ensure that Sales Copilot functions properly, you need to confirm that all users have the right security roles assigned to them. If you are using the out-of-the-box Dynamics 365 Sales security roles, you don’t need to make any changes as Sales Copilot privileges are added automatically for these roles. However, if you are using custom security roles, you need to assign the appropriate roles and privileges to users. This ensures that they have the necessary access and permissions to use Sales Copilot effectively.

Step 6 (Optional): Customize Sales Copilot

Sales Copilot comes with default settings that allow users to be productive right out of the box. However, you can customize the CRM fields shown on forms and adjust other settings to meet your organization’s specific needs. Follow these steps to customize Sales Copilot:

  1. Customize Forms and Fields: You can modify the CRM fields that are shown on forms to align with your organization’s requirements.
  2. Set up Copilot AI Features: Sales Copilot offers AI features that are in preview or generally available. You can set up these AI features to leverage the power of artificial intelligence in your sales processes.

Step 7: Welcome Sellers to Sales Copilot

After you have completed the installation and configuration of Sales Copilot in Outlook and Teams, it’s time to welcome your sellers to start using it. Send them an email message introducing Sales Copilot and providing instructions on how to access and utilize its features. You can use the following template as a starting point:

Dear Sellers,

We are excited to introduce Sales Copilot, a powerful tool that will enhance your sales workflows and productivity. Sales Copilot integrates seamlessly with Outlook and Teams, bringing the context of your CRM directly into your daily sales activities.

To get started with Sales Copilot, follow these steps:

  1. Install the Sales Copilot Outlook Add-in: [Instructions on how to install the add-in]
  2. Create a Policy to Install and Pin the Sales Copilot App in Teams: [Instructions on how to create the policy]
  3. Enable Teams Meeting Transcripts: [Instructions on how to enable transcripts]
  4. Set up Server-Side Synchronization of Emails and Appointments: [Instructions on how to set up synchronization]
  5. Confirm You Have the Right Security Roles: [Instructions on how to confirm security roles]
  6. Customize Sales Copilot (Optional): [Instructions on how to customize Sales Copilot]
  7. Start Using Sales Copilot: [Instructions on how to start using Sales Copilot]

We hope that Sales Copilot will streamline your sales processes and help you achieve greater success in your sales endeavors. If you have any questions or need assistance, please reach out to our support team.

Best regards,
[Your Name]

Automatic Installation

Microsoft offers automatic installation of Sales Copilot for select organizations to streamline the onboarding process. If your organization is eligible for automatic installation, Sales Copilot will be installed for all users with an appropriate license automatically. This can be a Sales Copilot license or a product that includes Sales Copilot, such as Dynamics 365 Sales Enterprise or Dynamics 365 Sales Premium.

During the rollout of automatic installation, organizations will receive notifications in both the Microsoft 365 admin center and the Power Platform admin center. Each organization has the option to opt-out of the automatic installation within a specified period of time. Once the capability is rolled out, the Outlook add-in and Microsoft Teams app cannot be uninstalled from the Microsoft 365 admin center. However, users can choose to uninstall them from their respective Outlook and Teams clients, and a new installation will not be performed automatically.

Auto-installed apps are considered user-deployed and may not have full feature support. For full feature support, including banner notifications, it is recommended to install the app for your sellers from the Microsoft 365 admin center.


We encourage all Sales Copilot users to join and participate in the Sales Copilot community. The community offers various resources and opportunities for collaboration and support:

  • Forums to connect with peers and discuss shared experiences.
  • Forums to receive support and contribute to discussions on common issues.
  • Spaces to share ideas and engage with the product development team.

Join the Sales Copilot community today to connect with other users, get support, and stay up to date with the latest developments.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is Sales Copilot included for Dynamics 365 Sales customers?
A: Yes, Sales Copilot is included as a part of Dynamics 365 Sales Enterprise and Premium. However, a Microsoft 365 for Enterprise or Office 365 for Enterprise product license is required to use the Sales Copilot app in Outlook and Microsoft Teams.

Q: How does Sales Copilot work?
A: Sales Copilot utilizes an Outlook add-in and a Teams app to integrate CRM functionalities into sellers’ workflows. It brings the context of CRM directly into Outlook and Teams, allowing sellers to access relevant information and perform CRM-related tasks without leaving their preferred applications.

Q: Is Sales Copilot safe and secure?
A: Yes, Sales Copilot is a certified Microsoft app that meets rigorous security and compliance standards. It is designed to ensure the safety and security of your data and communications.

For more information on license requirements, role requirements, and region availability, refer to the Introduction to Microsoft Sales Copilot and Sales Copilot FAQ documentation.


Deploying Teams and Copilot is essential for Dynamics 365 customers who want to enhance their sales processes and productivity. By following the step-by-step instructions in this guide, you can successfully deploy Sales Copilot in your organization and empower your sellers with powerful CRM integration in Outlook and Teams. Remember to customize Sales Copilot to align with your specific needs and welcome your sellers to start using it. With Sales Copilot, you can streamline your sales workflows and achieve greater success in your sales endeavors.

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